Friday, 15/01/2010
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Alexander Technique workshop with Vincent Fraser
1/15/10 Saturday 2:30-5pm
183 Sasapequan Rd Fairfield,CT
Commitment – $50
Explore the relationship of consciousness to the body and how to influence specific relationships within the body to alter consciousness.
We will be exploring how the ordinary level of thought and feeling is reflected in the body and limits or does not allow for consciousness,even as it facilitates functioning in the world. Drawing on both work with the subtle body and the Alexander Technique as a means of mind/body integration, we will discover and practice pathways to consciousness that one can become increasingly skillful at. These pathways will include physical relationships within our physical bodies, and their correspondences to states of tension and attention.
The aim of our practicing will be to develop a reliable understanding that can be brought to bear upon our living experiences during and after the workshop.
We will also be discovering the healing nature of gravity as a support for our being (consciousness) and it’s direct relation to freedom from fear.
As we move further into our work together, acknowledgment of a deeper understanding and experience of the self will emerge. Vincent Fraser, CAT;CST; is a Certified Alexander Technique Teacher, Craniosacral Therapist and Somatic Therapist. He has been a student of consciousness for many years.
To sign up- Call Vincent @ 203-570-2059
Contact Information
New Earth Center For Being
183 Sasapequan Rd
Fairfield CT
phone: 203-292-3468